Sunday 1 May 2011

Hello people , this is a poem that i composed a couple of weeks ago. Please help me suggest a name for this poem and comment what you think about it . Thank you  :)

You've been there for me,
Through thick and thin,
I know I can rely on you to be there when I'm despondent,
You provide me a shelter,
You give me a shoulder to lean upon,
You’re there to catch my tears,
You’re right by my side, rain or shine supporting me in every way.
We share joys, triumphs and happiness together,
We are like a chain that can never be broken
The more ticks on the clock the more memories we build together,
Your friendship to me is like a sphere it is round and it has no end,
How lucky I am to have known someone who is so hard to say goodbye to,
Life without you would just be like being lost without knowing which way to turn,
I wouldn't be able to get through each day and night without hearing your angelic voice.

You are the one, who makes my frown turn into a smile,
You are always there to help me learn,
We share many happy moments,
I will miss those times when we used to natter for hours telling each other secrets about boys,
You've kept my many secrets,
Throughout the passing years.

We fought a lot,
I was angry about how she talked behind my back,
She tried to change me, not for the good but for the worst
I never thought even to my wildest dreams that someone that I used to trust had changed to a completely different person.
She didn’t accept me, for who I am,
She tried to change my personality to something I am not,
That was the point when I realized she wasn’t a true friend anymore,
True friends will accept you for who you are.

Our memories started to fade away
Our chain was starting to brittle
Her ship was starting to vanish
It falls to the ground making a loud noise
And it gradually gets softer and softer until she was not to be seen.

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